Great question! This weekend is, as everyone everywhere knows, the biggest Magic the Gathering prerelease in the history of mankind. No, seriously. It is. And to celebrate we’re hosting 5 separate prerelease events for you:
Friday at Midnight (only 1 seat left!)
Saturday at 5pm (SOLD OUT!)
Sunday at 12pm, 4pm & 8pm
All of our prerelease events will be held at The Raygun Lounge except for Saturday’s sold out event. Saturday will be a retro event held at The Capitol Club so you can relive the glory of one month ago – because in addition to the craziness of prerelease weekend, our new Lounge is also hosting THE WORLD’S FIRST RAVNICA PRERELEASE WEDDING on Saturday. Yes. It’s true. We will.
Although the ceremony won’t be performed in cosplay with an ordained Avacynian priest
the wedding will feature a private prerelease at their reception and should be pretty darn great.
To up the challenge level for us and add excitement for you, I’ve also scheduled our annual Gamma Ray Games corporate retreat this weekend. That’s right, Amy and I will be leaving for the entire weekend so that we can review the year, get the rest of 2012 in order (booze and Kickstarter rewards fulfillment for the people!) and lay out our shenanigans list for 2013… aaand maybe catch a Decibel showcase or two.
As the result this weekend will be the first time that the new Gamma Ray and Raygun teams will be fully on their own since Dominic left for San Diego. I, for one, am super excited to see how they perform on their own in the field.
I trust they will impress you as much as they’ve been impressing me. And if they don’t, well, you know how to contact me.
Wishing you all a wonderful weekend of work, weddings and magic.
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