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A Gay Olde Time: For LARPers and other eccentrics

A Preface What’s cooler than going to the gym? Swordfighting. What’s cooler than reading up on what gear you need to most efficiently up your DPS in PvP? Being outside. What’s cooler than watching Game of Thrones? Well, not too much really (haha, Red...

Call of the Warchief: Trading Cards and Dragons

It’s commonly understand in the gaming industry that Magic: The Gathering is one of the biggest games around. Magic: The Gathering booster packs, singles, and other products remain a staple of any friendly local game store. Nearly every day of the week, there’s an...

Préparez-Vous à Mourir

Have you ever played Dark Souls? Dark Souls is one of the most incredible video games I’ve ever beheld. It’s gruesome and stark and hopeless and so ego-crushingly difficult it’s almost a wonder it was popular enough to warrant a sequel....

Hex & Violence

This week, guest blogger Jake asks the tough question WAR GAMES, WHAT ARE THEY GOOD FOR? and invites you to come and play a few of his favorites with him. Take it away, Jake. I’ve been a eurogame fan for a decade, and an Ameritrash fan for two, but only in the past...

The Truth about how it’s going

Being the accessible, well-liked man-about-the-neighborhood that I am, I often get approached by well-meaning, supportive people asking, “how are you/how’s it going at the shop/with the lounge/with kickstarter?” and no matter what I answer lately, I...