Welcome back. There’s actually a ton going on around here over the next few weeks. The most important thing, obviously, is that we’re opening The Raygun Lounge up the street in the former Travellers space at 501 East Pine. To answer a few key questions that I get all of the time; the game store, Gamma Ray Games, is staying right where it is in the 411 E Pine corner space. The Raygun Lounge will be a completely separate venue set up exclusively to host all of Capitol Hill (and, really, Greater Seattle)’s regular board, card and tabletop gaming events. The lounge will be open 6 days a week, most of them until 1am, and will serve beer, wine, coffee (etc.) and a well rounded, if simple, rotating food menu.
With comfortable, well-lit, seating available for up to 60 people at a time, the space should be able to comfortably host multiple events at a time with room for casual seating and pickup games and should, like the best venues of its kind, feel like a convention every weekend.
If you’d like to support us in this (and get yourself some free drinks, good food and reserved table space to boot) head on over to kickstarter page and select a support level that feels right for you and your game group.
I’ll be back in the next day or so to talk about some of the wild personnel changes that are coming up as we double our venues while a key member of our team moves to California for grad school so be sure to tune in for our next jam-packed, gossip-filled update!
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