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That’s right. We survived a year. Well, a little more than a year, actually… but now we’re throwin’ a party about it! And we’re going ALL IN to get every last bit of kickstarter reward fulfillment done and handed out! Finally! All the t-shirts, and the underwear, and the cups, and the glasses, and the logos, and the lasers, heck, maybe even the seemingly-impossible-to-get dice. All of it! In one place. For one night. With special guests like the notorious Eric Logan, the notorious David Fooden, the notorious Josh Balvin. And a bunch of other people who are behind on their kickstarter fulfillment. There will be music. There will be dancing. If we’re really lucky, there may even be debauchery. So come on down for a wonderful evening of celebration and fulfillment. Reward fulfillment. Yours. Come get your stuff.