As everybody knows from our frequent collaborations with Queer Geek Seattle, our hosting of Cosplay Seattle, our support for GeekGirlCon and our regulars’ notoriety for genderbent cosplay,
we are a fun, safe, place for people of all genders, sexualities, ethnicities and phenotypes to get together and play dress up.
And what better time to do that than Dia de los Muertos or its lesser known American cousin “Halloween.” Both of which are days that we will be open, slingin’ the beers, playin’ the pinball,
aaaand if you show up in costume, handing out free goodies. That’s right! We’re bringing back “the goodie bowl!” Come by in costume this Friday or Saturday and we’ll give you a FREE mini, collectible or rando thing that we found from our sweet, sweet bowl.
Ah, sweet bowls.
See you soon.
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