Wow! Is it that time again already?
No. Yeah. Well… maybe. I dunno that seems pretty cool anytime actually.
No it’s almost time to
What the hell is FFFFPT 11? Well, as I discussed way back at FFFFPT 10, FFFFPT is where we celebrate getting 100 more fans on facebook. Hence it’s name, Facebook Fan Fantasy Festival Party Time!
I know. I know. It gets me every time too.
So how’s it work? Well, as soon as we hit 1100 fans (we’re at 1096 as of 5 minutes ago), I post a suitably sensible image with the caption FFFFFPT 11! Then we declare some kind of ridiculous sale. Like the one we had last time where we said, “buy 1 new game, get a second new game for half off and get a third preowned game for absolutely free.” That was a good one. Yeah. You know what? To hell with it. Let’s do it again!
As soon as we declare FFFFPT 11, it’ll be buy one game, get a second one half off and a third one absolutely free. While supplies last. Or until we get bored. Or surly. Somebody’d better go tell Jake and Gordie about this. I’ve gotta go, we’ve got a lot of work to do and I need to decide if I’m going to dress up as Salvador Dali or a velociraptor. I wonder what Gordie’s going to dress up as?
I’ll see you soon,
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